化学品管理数字化 | Digitizing Chemical Management
使纺织和时尚供应链中的化学产品的使用完全透明。| Enabling full transparency over the use of chemical products in the textile and fashion supply chain.
它是如何工作的?| How does it work?
使化学品库存管理 快速而简便 | Chemical Inventory Developed Fast and Easy
1. 拍摄/扫描 | Scanning
工厂使用The BHive®应用程序扫描化学产品。| Factory scans chemical products using The BHive® app.
2. 上传 | Upload
所有化学品采集完成后,工厂将数据上传到帐号数据库. | Once all the chemical products are scanned, the factory uploads the data onto the database.
3. 查看和分享 | View and Share
工厂、品牌和化学公司可即时查看产品信息以及化学品是否符合可持续性标准 | Both Factory and Brand can see whether chemicals meet specific sustainability criteria.
观看我们的简短介绍视频 | Watch our short intro video
额外服务 | Additional Services
了解更多关于我们以下的额外服务。| Learn more about our additional services below.
与我们的战略伙伴TÜV Rheinland合作,进行涵盖从输入、加工到输出整个过程的无缝化学品管理。
Seamless chemical management covering the whole process from Input, process to output with our strategic partner TÜV Rheinland.
The BHive®是ZDHC Performance InCheck的认可解决方案供应商。使用The BHive创建你的ZDHC Performance InCheck报告.
The BHive® is an Approved Solution provider for the ZDHC Performance InCheck. Create your ZDHC Performance InCheck Report with The BHive®.
Looking for wastewater testing against ZDHC Wastewater Guideline? Learn more about the services offered in our Package Deal.
为什么选择The BHive®?| Why choose The BHive®?
帮工厂 | Made For Factories
工厂可以了解自己对化学产品的使用情况以及是否符合客户要求。| Factories can understand their own use of chemical products and whether they meet customer requirements
- 减少了时间和工作量。| Reduced time and workload: 扫描产品而不是手动输入数据 | Scan products instead of manual data entry
- 追踪并提高绩效。| Track and improve performance: 自动合规检查,包括ZDHC MRSL(众包)、GOTS、OEKO-TEX、Bluesign。| Automatic compliance check including ZDHC MRSL (crowd-sourced), GOTS, OEKO-TEX, Bluesign
- 表现出对改善化学品合规性的承诺。| Show commitment on improving chemical compliance: 符合要求的化学品完全透明 显示对化学品使用的控制 | Full transparency of compliant chemicals Show control of chemical use
帮品牌/零售商 | Made for Brands
品牌可以在其供应链中获得化学品使用的完全透明度。| Brands can gain full transparency over the chemical use in their supply chain
- 追踪并改善业绩 | Instant access to quality data: 集中访问整个供应链的化学数据 接收准确的数据 缩短数据收集的时间 | Centralized access to chemical data across the supply chain Receive accurate data Reduced time on data collection
- 追踪并提高绩效。| Track and improve performance: 对化学品目标的绩效监测 | Performance monitoring on chemical goals
- 报告 | Reporting: 满足客户对化学品监测的期望 | Meet customer expectations on chemical monitoring
今天就注册一个账户 | Register for an account today
品牌商、零售商和制造商可以通过简单地填写表格来注册一个账户。我们将在5-7个工作日内核实您的信息。如果您有任何问题,或想获得更多关于产品和价格的信息,请通过info@thebhive.net 与我们联系。
Brands, retailers, and manufacturers can register for an account by simply filling in the form. We will verify your information with 5-7 working days. If you have any questions or would like to receive more information about the product and the pricing, please contact us via info@thebhive.net.
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