![thumbnail image](https://user-assets.sxlcdn.com/images/533666/FplRsZFeteZdulpEamWMr0D3pcjt.png?imageMogr2/strip/auto-orient/thumbnail/1200x630>/quality/90!/format/png)
Hello, welcome to FAQs (Frequently asked questions)
Mobile App
下载 Download
我在哪里下载这款APP?Where do I download the app?
无法下载? Troubles downloading?
- 有时,该APP不可在手机端的谷歌浏览器上下载。 请使用其他浏览器,例如Mozilla Firefox。注意:BHive应用程序目前仅在支持Android系统。Sometimes, the app will not download on the mobile google chrome browser. Please use an alternative browser such as Mozilla Firefox. Note: The BHive app is currently only supported on android running devices.
Chemical products input化学产品输入
无法扫描。Scanning functions not working.
- 请确保使用安全的无线网络。断开连接或长时间不活动可能导致扫描或输入功能无法正常工作。 请尝试刷新应用程序,重新登录后再试。 Please make sure your wifi is secure. Lost connections or long inactivity can cause scanning or input functions not working. Please try refreshing the app, login again, and try again.
找不到化学产品。 Cannot find chemical product.
- 请尝试全部输入方法: 扫描照片、二维码扫描、文本输入。 Please try all 3 input options; scanning photo; QR; Enter text.
- 请检查您的拼写(包括空格和字符,例如: - ,/,_)Please check your spelling (also check additional spaces and symbols (e.g: -, /, _)
- 输入完整名称 Type in the complete name
- 寻找相近的产品名称 Look for similar product names
- 如果您已经运行应用超过24小时或者您已断开连接,请重启应用,重新登录。Have you left the app running for too long (more than 24 hours) and you are disconnected? Please restart the app and login again.
- 目前,我们的数据库包含30,000多种化学产品。如果化学产品不在我们的数据库中,那么扫描时不会出现该化学品。遇到这种情况,请使用“文本输入”选项进行手动添加。 这一步聚请观看视频(在3:12处) 。 Currently, our database contains over 30,000 chemical products. However, if the chemical product is not in our database then it will not show up. In this case, please add manually using the ‘Enter text’ option, then ‘Add Manually’. Watch this section of the video here (at 3:12).
- 如果您尝试添加的化学品具有可持续性证明,但还不在我们的系统中,请发送电子邮件至“register@thebhive.net” 。 If the products that you are trying to add have sustainability credentials, and it is still not a part of our system, please email us at ‘register@thebhive.net’.
上传 Upload
如何上传库存? How do I upload inventory?
- 扫描化学品仓库中的所有化学产品后,请单击屏幕右上角的上传按钮。见图。 After scanning all the chemical products in your chemical storage rooms, please click on the upload button on the top right hand side of the screen. See image here.
我可以跳过使用APP直接在桌面平台上传我的excel化学品库存吗? Can I skip using the app and upload my excel chemical inventory directly on the desktop platform?
- 否。我们认为应根据化学品仓库内的库存情况创建化学品库存。这样,数据将反映实际使用的数据,并可避免库存清单中存在旧的/不准确的化学产品,因为我们经常在“手动”建立的化学品库存清单中发现这一问题。No. The idea is that a chemical inventory should be created based on what is currently in stock, inside the chemical storage room. This way, the data will reflect what is currently used, and avoid having old/inaccurate chemical products in the inventory, which is what we can often find in ‘manually’ typed chemical inventories.
一次是否只能上传一种化学产品? Do I have to upload one chemical product at a time?
- 否。您可以进行多次扫描或输入。确定一个化学产品后,单击将它添加到您的库存中。要添加更多化学品,请单击底部的“添加化学品”,然后您将重新回到开始屏幕,再次找到3种输入选项。 No. You can make multiple scans, or inputs. After identifying your first chemical product, you click on it to add it to your inventory. To add more chemicals, click 'add chemical’ at the bottom and you will be relocated to the start screen where you find the 3 input options again.
- 这个步聚请观看视频,为您演示添加了一种化学产品后如何添加下一个(在1:38处). Watch this section of the video here, where we have just added one chemical product, and now ready to add the next one (at 1:38).
登录 Log In
无法登录 My login credentials do not work.
- 请发送电子邮件至members@thebhive.net Please email us at members@thebhive.net
浏览器 Browser
网页无法加载 The webpage doesn’t load.
- 微软 IE无法加加载时,请使用其他网络浏览器,如Mozilla Firefox或Google Chrome。Sometimes, the webpage will not load on Microsoft Internet Explorer. Please use alternative web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
与品牌商/客户共享信息 Sharing information with Brand/Clients
如何让我的品牌商/客户共享我的库存清单?How do I share my inventory with my Brands/Clients?
- 本步聚请观看视频'BHive如何查看和管理桌面'(从3.43开始)(Video in English)。Please watch this section of the video (starting at 3.43) ‘How to view and manage desktop BHive’.
化学品清单 Chemical Inventory
在哪里可以找到最新的化学品清单?Where do I find my latest chemical inventory?
- 清单顶部有一个指示器,显示您最近的扫描时间。 见图示。请观看视频“BHive如何查看和管理桌面”了解详情。(从1:03开始)There is an indicator at the top of the inventory that tells you when your latest scan was. See image here. It is also explained in this section of the video (starting at 1:03) ‘How to view and manage desktop BHive’ .
如何将多个小库存清单合并以创建完整库存清单?I have many small inventories… how do I merge them all to create a full inventory?
- 选择要放在一起的所有库存清单(比如以某一天开始选),选定后点击右下角的“合并库存”,即可完成! 见图。具体可观看视频“BHive如何查看和管理桌面” 了解详情。(从5:10开始)Select all inventories you want to put together (e.g. all from one day). Click “Merge inventories” at the bottom right corner. Then it is done! See image here. It is also explained in this section of the video (starting at 5:10) ‘How to view and manage desktop BHive’ .
如何编辑化学品库存清单中的信息?How do I edit the information on my chemical inventory?
- 除了少数诸如“消耗数据”这样的可视框能编辑外(点此观看视频 从2:05开始),您现在无法编辑化学品库存清单。 我们也在分析提供此功能的最佳方式,生成解决方案后会立即更新此部分。Other than the boxes you see where you can edit, e.g. consumption data (watch video here from 2:05) you cannot edit the chemical inventory for now. We are currently analyzing the best way to serve this function and will update this section as soon as there is a solution.
如何对化学品库存清单进行分类 How do I sort through my chemical inventory?
- 此功能正在开发中,很快就会推出。This function is under the works and will be coming shortly.
批号、危险品管理系统等尚缺失。Batch no, Hazardous management systems etc is missing.
- 正在进行添加此功能,很快就会推出。The ability to add this information is underway and will be coming shortly.
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